The price situation in the state is influenced by the price behaviour at the national level.
The fluctuation in the Prices is depicted by wholesale price and consumer price indices.
The Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES) has been collecting the wholesale and
retail prices of the commodities regularly since 1957 from selected centres across the State on a weekly basis.
Also the prices of livestock products, by-products, rates for the construction material used in buildings
& labour wages are collected from all districts of the state. On the basis of wholesale prices, monthly wholesale price indices are being prepared regularly.
The Consumer Price Indices for industrial workers (base year 2016=100) are prepared and released by the Labour Bureau, Shimla for Jaipur,
Alwar and Bhilwara centres of the State from September, 2020 . The DES also prepares Building Construction Cost Index for Jaipur Centre.
The price situation in the state is influenced by the price behaviour at the national
level. The fluctuation in the Prices is depicted by wholesale price and consumer
price indices. The Directorate of Economics & Statistics is collecting, on regular
basis, the wholesale & consumer prices of essential commodities from selected
centers in the State. On the basis of these prices, monthly wholesale price indices
are being prepared regularly.